Major Project
design;play [Read more]

Welcome to design;play.

design;play provides a no pressure and fun approach to engaging with graphic design. Recognising that we learn best from our mistakes, these games are designed to make failing fast and fun. Setting students tasks can reinforce focus, positive outcomes and self determination (Elliot, 1999). In the case of this project, these tasks are referred to as games. design;play is perfect for lively university learning environments, with potential to also be used in professional design studios or at home. design;play is a welcoming introduction to design thinking for those who have never engaged with this process before.

No Ink
design;play is made without ink. All images and text has been debossed to represent the importance of embedding play into design practice. As well as this, the debossing represents the intangible focus topics ( fear of failure and play) and their place as social constructs. High quality debossing has been created by using specialist heavy weight papers selected earlier in this project from the Colorplan range from G.F.Smith paper merchants.

Friendly Faces
Each volume in design;play is assigned a title, colour and character to help differentiate between volumes. These characters have been assigned to reflect the focus of the volume, for example the two-faced character for design;together symbolising group games. These characters can be found throughout the volumes in different places and with a variety of friendly expressions to help guide you through.

The volume titles are named after fundamental elements of graphic design practice. These volume titles are in keeping with the style of the product name design;play and highlight a diverse range of ideation methods, that can be utilised in times when design creativity is stagnant. This image is the design;together volume - play in a group to develop yourideas and meet your peers.

Rivet Bound
Rivet-binding allows for shuffling, removal and addition of pages. Each volume is individually rivet bound, so that individual volumes can be used independently in turn, reducing the physical depth of the sketchbook for ease of use.

design;play has an overall introduction and four volumes. Within each volume there is a subsequent title introduction, list of author/s, games with rules, quotes from designers, fun sticker sheets and blank pages for use when playing.
design;play is compact in size for easy handling and it’s pages have curved corners, a subtle reference to playful tactility.

Play Pages
Following every game in the sketchbook, there are fold out empty pages for engaging with play and recording design thinking. This is the case in all four volumes. This sketchbook is designed to be a launchpad for further development of design ideas.
Charlie Henshaw
‘design;play’ aims to develop level four undergraduate graphic design students’ ability to engage with play as a method of pedagogy to reduce the fear of failure.
design;play is a series of guided sketchbooks, created specifically for level four undergraduate graphic design students to inject play into their design practice. Designed with the aim of reducing the fear of failure, design;play stimulates free and innovative design thinking through play and games. These games have been carefully curated as a result of an in-depth literature review, undertaken in accompaniment with this practical module component.
This MA was completed over two years alongside working as a part-time Lecturer in Graphic Design at a neighbouring institution. design;play is primarily driven by the authors’ passion to educate and teach graphic design students to become independent confident learners.
Major Project