Major Project
An Investigation into how an Empathetic Modelling intervention influences Architects Empathy… [Read more]

MSc Thesis subject matter. Empathy within Design
Empathy is fundamental to design and is the first stage in the Design-Thinking Cycle. However, users are often too removed from the Design cycle for Design professionals to truly understand theirs users' needs.

Project Aims
The aim of this study was to conduct an experimental study, with a cohort of Architects, using 'empathetic modelling' as the intervention, to measure their pre and post-intervention empathy levels using a validated scale.

Research Study Methods
A pre-test to post-test interventional study was conducted using a mixed methods methodology. A validated psychometric questionnaire was conducted, pre and post-intervention. This quantitative data was analysed using SPSS and qualitative data was obtained from post-intervention interviews.

Research Findings
The quantitative findings revealed that 100% of participants 'empathy' scores increased, pre to post-test, all being statistically significant. The qualitative data supported the quantitative data, with 100% of participnats finding the intervention useful and insightful and informing their inclusive design thinking.

Research Conclusions
The results demonstrated that the study design methodology was successful in demonstrating that an 'empathetic modelling' intervention can influence design professionals empathy levels and inform their Design-Thinking.

Research Summary
This research demonstrated that an empathetic modelling intervention and empathy can be positively influenced, having wider positive implications on design professionals inclusive design-thinking. This project demonstrated how this reproducible and scalable intervention could have a positive social and moral impact on the widest user population to break down exclusion barriers.
Kim Hutton
Physiotherapist/MSc Ergonomist promoting Diversity, Inclusion and Universal Design within Design & Built Environments to reduce exclusion barriers
A Chartered Physiotherapist with 35 years experience, specialising in Neurology, NHS Senior Management and Charity/Voluntary sectors. I have always promoted the wider benefits to individuals, society and organisations of how Diversity & Inclusion and Inclusive Design can break down exclusion barriers. My MSc Ergonomics & Human Factors evidence-based research demonstrates that 'Empathy' can be enhanced in Design professionals and inform their Inclusive Design thinking. I have established Human Connections Ltd Training consultancy, to work with organisations, educational sectors and Design professionals, to strengthen and broaden their employee and user base. My work applies a systems-thinking approach and using my health professional background, I am also keen to work in areas of Patient Safety and Organisational Safety Systems at work.
Major Project
An Investigation into how an Empathetic Modelling intervention influences Architects Empathy to inform the Design-Thinking process to promote Inclusive Design