Major Project
DigitalOasis [Read more]
DigitalOasis: A new service that makes accessing the internet easy and affordable for homeless users who need access to digital services
Reducing inequality is the 10th Goal of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2018); ensuring that people of different socio-economic backgrounds are not marginalised.
In 2010, the UK Government introduced the Government Digital Strategy (GOV.UK, 2012); a strategy which would see all 10,000 services from 24 ministries and 28 organisations move online. Whilst this does make services more readily accessible and more efficient to most, it does leave people of lower socio-economic standing at higher risk of becoming digitally excluded, especially those who are homeless with limited access to digital services.
The aim of this project was to understand in detail the barriers people face to getting online to access the
services that identify opportunities for a new product or service.
Discover and Define: Research Phase
The initial stage scoped the problem space to narrow down the focus. Homelessness is a complex social issue with diverse groups being affected in different ways. Data collected from conversations with charity staff members at homeless shelters helped identify the key issue the project would tackle; helping homeless people that are often intimidated and embarrassed by new technologies get online.
Primary field research alongside secondary desk research explored the issue of homelessness and access to (digital) services. Primary research consisted of interviews with charity staff members that support homeless people and former homeless people themselves, as well as using forums (e.g. Reddit and Quora) to understand peoples’ first-hand accounts with being homeless.
Develop: Ideation and Concept Development
A range of ideas were created, and 2 potential solutions were selected for detailed development. Bodystorming was used with potential stakeholders and end users to determine how each idea might work in practice, and their feedback used to help determine which solution might best resonate with the target users.
DigitalOasis Concept Narrative and Storyboards
DigitalOasis Service Design Artefacts
DigitalOasis APP Features and UI
Michelle Monica Luo
I am a socially conscious designer that puts emphasis on users who have been marginalised by society.
Major Project