Major Project
Design and Development of a Hydration Optimisation Device for Sports Enthusiasts [Read more]

Smart Device Attachment with Flow Sensor and Visual Cue Band
This project involves the design and development of a product that helps athletes with a better understanding of hydration and water intake optimization. Many athletes do not realize when and how much water to be consumed during intervals to keep their performance at an optimum and consistent pace. There can either be a deficit or abundance in the intake of water which alters performance respectively. The user would primarily be an athlete in their respective sport. The product is for the athletic sport market and sports entertainment market around the world. It would be used in sports arenas and households globally. To summarize, the project involves in designing a wearable aid paired with a flow sensor attached to a smart water bottle that helps in hydration optimization through the integration of technology focusing on Pre/Post Game scenario.

Process of Re-Hydration
Body Fluids account for over 70% of an average human’s body. When sweat losses are greater than fluid intake, players become dehydrated. Dehydration is described as ‘an excessive loss of water from body tissues’ and it also affects an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. It can be very dangerous and even fatal as most of the physiological systems in the body are dependent on water levels and the changes in concentrations of the electrolytes will disturb almost every vital function of the body. Studies show that loss of fluid equal to 2% of body mass is sufficient to cause a detectable decrease in performance (that’s a 1.4 kg loss in a 70 kg athlete).

User Research and Testing
In order to find insights from users and get quality feedback, an idea was pushed forward to send various users a bunch of different scenarios that illustrated how a concept worked in steps. The users were asked to explain the process they observed on the scenario board, as well as their preferences on the same. The feedback from the first session of user testing was taken and evaluated and scenarios were re-drawn and shown to the same users along with their feedback.

Personalized Mouse
This project involved the design of a personalized mouse that moved from sketches to 3D CAD to finally 3D printing it. It was a challenge to get the internals of the mouse to accurately fit the PCB and the scroll wheel due to design complexity and aesthetics, but was later overcome through iteration.

Personalized Mouse
The mouse was inspired by the contrasting hills behind it. This is to show that most of our design comes from nature and it's beauty.

Final Project Render
A visual description of the final project proposal.

Development of Final Concept
The final concept was iterated and developed over the course of 3 months to find the ideal shape and structure to fit the human hand as well as house the internal flow sensor.

Final Concept with Visual Band
The flow sensor is paired with a visual elastic wrist band that the user would seek to further understand their hydration needs.
Sanjay Subramanian
I'm Sanjay Subramanian and I'm a passionate designer, keen on creating radical and innovative product designs that are aesthetically pleasing and employ smart material choices, to help create a positive footprint on the environment.
My interests are inclined toward a circular industrial design economy where I channel my ideas through various design processes and come up with solutions that benefit and improve the user experience whilst employing new and smart material choices. I am enthusiastic about Design Thinking, CAD design, and creation of innovative solutions to existing problems.
Major Project
Design and Development of a Hydration Optimisation Device for Sports Enthusiasts