Major Project
Future energy trading [Read more]

Elency is a future energy friend prepared by a university for its students.
Elency is a system and an app that provides a platform that enables a user to use energy as a currency and take part in some competitions as a team for students living in student halls. They want to be responsible for the environment but they don’t know how much electricity they use, and also think their impact on the environment is invisible and feel no satisfaction from saving electricity.

The challenge
With the development of microgrid, peer to peer (P2P) technology and block chain technology, energy trading in the future will be more convenient and safe for the public.
Designing to explore the application of P2P energy trading to university students living in student halls or houses. Benefiting and improving the relationship and interaction between students, university, energy, and the environment .

User research

Key insights

Design Iteration
The first phase of concept generation went through HMW, Brainstorming with users and sketch ideas. After the end of the first round of concept generation, I found that the ideas were not fully targeted at the key insights. So then I has sorted out the main jobs that need to be done and the second round of HMW and evaluation was carried out. Then I got five concepts, Each concept takes into account the aspects of key insights. After that, I used "HOW, Now WOW" Matrix to evaluate the concept ideas.
Co-design with users begin with some questions and suggestions, then the case studies were conducted to know existing university energy system and some related technical support projects. Then I show users the story version of the user journey and interview related questions, the users gave feedback and suggestions. Later, I also received feedback from the administrator of facility management, which mainly verified some of my views, such as the possibility of generating energy in the future and the existence of P2P can increase the value of energy generated.

Conceptual framework
I further developed the system and process of the concept based on the feedback received and the detailed thinking around the concept.

System analysis
I considered the energy flow in the concept, combined with the analysis of stakeholders, and also integrated the possibility of the future development of the system to form a comprehensive analysis system visualization. This picture inspires researchers about the possibility of future development of the concept, linking the possibility of combining online and offline campus resources.

Xiaohan Wang
I am a user experience designer and world observer who loves photography.
Major Project
Future energy trading